eTail Connect Spring 2026



Mike Branney

Co-Founder & MD Oh Polly

I am a workaholic who is strongly motivated by success and using that success to help others. I have a PhD in Wind Energy Systems having completed an investigation into wind turbine design (specifically multi-rotor systems) in 2015. 

In 2014 I co-founded the UK online fashion boutique Oh Polly ( which operates in the ladies fast fashion market. As the Managing Director I am responsible for the manufacture of the garments from technical drawings through to final product as well as overall management of the company. 

In 2009 I co-founded a charity in Cambodia, now called The Brannerson Foundation (SC042175). This private charity aims to alleviate poverty from some of the poorest families in Siem Reap Cambodia and also provide free education for over 400 children in a small community on the out-skirts. In addition we support several young people through advanced learning through a University scholarship program. This organisation is entirely self funded through our eBay store and indeed the company was formed as a means to supply the charity with a constant revenue stream.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Mike.

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